General FAQs for our dictionary series

How can I search languages other than English?

You don't have to change any settings. All you need to do is tap in the search bar and input the word you want to search. For example, if you are using our French English dictionary, when you search the word "book", it will give you the French translation of the word "book". Similarly if you search the word "retenir", it will give your the English translation of the word "retenir".

How can I input languages other than English?

iPhone iPod touch currently support the various language keyboards English (U.S.), English (UK), French (France), French (Canada), German, Japanese, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, and Polish To enable a language input method, quit the application, go to home screen of the phone, start "Settings" application then go to General > International > Keyboards and switch on the language you want

How can I change the Start Screen of the application?

By default, the application will start up with the search screen and the keyboard. From the Settings tab, you can manually choose to have the application always start up on Search tab without the keyboard or the last searched word view.

How can I enable/disable a dictionary?

You can go to the Settings tab and tap the Installed dictionaries option and enable/disable the dictionary you want

How can I type speical German, French Characters in the keyboard?

If you want to input special characters like "é", "ç", "ô" etc., please hold on the key for a second and you will find a pop up menu to let you choose the speical characters.

How do I find support if I still have questions or want to report a bug?

If you have any questions or concerns about the application, please Contact Us